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Extra Hydraulic Oil

source:Original Inputtime:2023-10-23 11:27:46
  • 1. High-performance hydraulic fluids for applications requiring high load capacity and anti-wear protection.
  • 2. Excellent hydrolytic, oxidative and shear stability.
  • 3. Good anti-foaming, anti-emulsification, filtering and air release properties.
  • 4. Widely used in high pressure hydraulic system and spindle system of  steelworks equipment, construction machinery, metallurgical installations, marine appliance and so on.
Typical data:
ISO viscosity grade 32 46 68 100
kinematic viscosity,40℃ 32 46 68 100
viscosity index 110 105 105 100
flash point (open) ℃ 220 230 238 245
pour point,℃ -33 -30 -20 -20