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HY500 universal cutting oil

source:Original Inputtime:2023-11-07 15:28:04
Product Description:
HY500 is a universal all-oily cutting oil, which is formulated by refined mineral oil with extreme pressure agents, antirust agents and other additives. The oil can effectively prevent the cutter and its debris from partly fusing together, keep workpieces bright and extend the cutter service life.
Features and Benefits:
1. Great lubricity and extreme pressure property to provide the cutter a longer lifetime
2. Good cleanliness to quickly remove metal chips from workpieces surface and settle metal powder.
3. Effectively keep workpieces bright and precise.
4. Increases cutting speed and improves processing efficiency.
5. Excellent defoaming and anti-foam performance.
6. Outstanding anti-rust property to protect stored workpieces after processing
Suitable for harsh processing of stainless steel and high strength alloy steel, such as heavy load broaching, tapping and broaching. Also suitable for high temperature alloy, stainless steel, manganese steel and other difficult-to-cut material.

 Typical data:

Item Typical data Test method
Densities, g/mL ,20℃ 0.86 GB/T 1884
Kinematic viscosity, 40℃,mm2/s  23 GB/T 265
flash point, ℃ 210 GB/T 3536
Color Yellow
Odour Mild
